celebrities eyebrows

In the days of Gretta Garbo it was fashionable to shave ones eyebrows. Believe it, or not, that old trend resurfaced for a short while back in the late nineties.
It's amazing what women will do if a magazine dictates the latest trend and even the celebrities we choose to fashion ourselves after? Shaving eyebrows, should not be one of them because you're taking a gamble they will not grow back. Unless you lose your brow hair due to fire or medical reasons, no one should shave off their eyebrows... not for the love of a celebrity or to be fashionable.
Eyebrows really do serve a purpose. No one is born with perfect brows and they need to be redefined and reshaped. The only way to accomplish this task is to tweeze, and wax later if you choose once you create the definition and shape right for you. The eyebrow contours the eye. Bushy, unshaped brows are less than attractive and can downplay the soft line of the eye.
Follow the natural shape of your brow and tweeze those hairs that sprout between the eye and outside and below the natural brow line. Apply a wet wash cloth (warm-hot) to help open up the pores, tweeze hair one by one with an angled-tip tweezer, pluck in the direction that hair grows holding skin taut with the finger of your other hand. Tweeze until the brow is clearly defined, not ragged, following along the natural brow line. Don't forget to remove those hairs growing between your eyes at the top of your nose.
After plucking, splash with cold water or use witch hazel on a cotton ball to close the pores and sooth the irritated area. If red & swollen, apply a cold compress or ice. Do not apply makeup for at least thirty minutes. The best time to tweeze is in the evening before bedtime. Always brush brow hair upward to check any new growth and stray hairs you may have missed.
To tweeze or, not to tweeze is up to you. But please, don't shave!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1795651