celebrities mobiles

A mobile phone is perhaps the most desired technological gadget today and people from all walks of life use it on a regular basis. It is indispensable and its popularity is rapidly increasing with newer innovations in its features. The shapes and the sizes are also going through drastic changes. Not to mention the price, that is constantly going southward because of stiff competition among several equally able companies from various nations. There are hundreds of models, and before one of the models gets old or people are used to it, a newer model adorns the selling basket with fresher glitz and appeal.
There are many among us who own more than one mobile phone handset. It is a natural phenomenon, as there are many sets with varied features, styles, designs, and colors. Personally speaking, I don't like those sets with flaps since I have heard somewhere that the flap system gets broke after some time due to casual usage. There are sets with bit of bulkiness, like few of business phone models that resemble mini computers on one's palm, rather equivalent to palmtops. There are sets with wide screen and generally attract attentions from everyone around. The looks of the mobile phones are getting sleeker and they are becoming slimmer with newer models. I am yet to own such a model but would like to have one in my pocket.
There are mobile phones that are costlier than laptops but those are usually adorned with expensive jewels and are mainly made on order for the celebrities. There are also mobile phones that are low priced and are made for a large section of the society, especially targeting the middle class families of the developing countries.
The general notion about the utility of a mobile phone has dramatically changed. Previously it was gauged on basis of connectivity and audibility features, but nowadays factors like megapixels, color resolution, gaming options, Bluetooth flexibility, MS-Office features, web connections etc determine one's decision when he thinks of buying a handset.
Nevertheless, this gadget is going pretty strong at present, and still the pet gizmo of millions of people around the world.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3649497